The Truth About Failure
In a past post of mine, I have referred to myself as being molded through failure and I attribute my current self to this. Someone asked...
Apples and Oranges (Doctors and Call Center Agents)
I came across a memory from last year on Facebook regarding a call center agent ranting about how they are required to stay awake on the...
Faith and Miracles
There was a time I recall ever so vividly when I felt that it was the end of the road for me in medical school. I was a first year...
Beating the Odds: Being Stronger than Your Limitations
Sometimes, we are faced with situations that may seem to be futile or hopeless. Around the last few months of a medical student’s year,...
What would my Doctor Self tell my Medical Student Self (Part 3)
Obviously I was a problematic medical student. I had many issues and quirks both within me and around me. My parents did help me whenever...
What would my Doctor self tell my Medical Student self? (Part 2)
As I continue to imagine what I would say to my medical student self, I think about how fortunate I would have been if someone had...
What would my Doctor self tell my Medical Student self? (Part 1)
I have always secretly wished that there were such a thing as time machines so I could go back and correct the mistakes of my past....
One Last Push!
With Finals week in most medical schools in progress, I have witnessed the stress that medical students have to endure. Well of course,...
Love is Gone: Is the World Really Over?
Love is one of the most beautiful things in this world. As a physiologist, I am privileged to have been able to study how our brain...
The Art of Letting Go
Wow I can't believe my last post here was December 31, 2016. I must have been so busy that I have forgotten to write something for more...